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बुज़्ज़२ बुज़्ज़२उ Clear Water

बुज़्ज़२उ बुज़्ज़२उ फॉर अ ग्रेट ओपी ह्त्त्प://व्व्व.बु२उ.इन्फो
Clean, pure drinking water is needed ,howwever, ninety-seven percent of the earth's water is in the oceans. It is undrinkable and is unusable for most culinary and commercial purposes. Only three (3) percent of the world's water is fresh. Of this three percent, two-thirds is locked in glaciers and polar ice caps. Of the remaining one percent of the earth's water, about half is located beneath the earth's surface.
Rivers and lakes contain approximately 1/50th of one percent of the earth's water. A significant portion of this fraction has been contaminated by industrial civilization, and much of the remaining "freshwater" is severely polluted or biologically contaminated. Unfortunately, this pollution has begun to reach our underground water as well. Continually, on any given day, more than one-half of the earth's human population is ill, with the majority of these cases caused by waterborne contaminants.
The World Health Organization of the United Nations estimates that eighty percent of this illness is caused by contaminated drinking water. Many countries throughout the world, not just third world countries, have inadequate water treatment facilities, or a complete lack of treatment facilities. It is becoming clear that new technologies are needed in every segment of the water treatment industry: agriculture, horticulture, food processing, industrial waste treatment, public water supplies, and sewage treatment. These systems must be environmentally-friendly and rely on methods and processes that are not chemically based.
POLLUTION IN THE ENVIRONMENT .Pollutants from industrial sources often emerge from the outfall pipes of factories, and may leak from pipelines and underground storage tanks. Polluted water flows from mines where the water has leached through mineral-rich rocks or has been contaminated by the chemicals used in processing the ores. Cities and other residential communities contribute mostly sewage, with traces of household chemicals mixed in. Sometimes industries discharge pollutants into city sewers, increasing the variety of pollutants in municipal areas.
The oceans, vast as they are, are not invulnerable to pollution. Pollutants reach the sea from adjacent shorelines, from ships, and from offshore oil platforms.
POLLUTION IN OUR DRINKING WATERThe major water pollutants are chemical, biological, and physical materials that degrade water quality, resulting in an increased concern over the safety of drinking water. This has led to an explosive worldwide growth in the sale of bottled water and filtering devices attached to faucets, meant to further treat filtered drinking water. However, of over 2,000 filters sold to the public, only a handful actually remove all of the parasites, viruses, bacteria, pesticides and heavy metals resident in tap water.Recently the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and other environmental groups commented on the shocking and dangerous state of public water supplies.
Drinking ordinary tap water can be potentially fatal to people with a weakened immune system. LINK Children, expectant mothers and the elderly are in greatest risk. Most water systems are not designed to remove protozoa or volatile organic chemicals (VOC) such as fluoride. One of the protozoa most water systems are incapable of removing is cryptosporidium parvum. This is the same parasite that killed 104 people and made 400,000 ill in Milwaukee.
The consensus of most medical experts is that the water supply is the most critical factor to human health. The Natural Resources Defense Council estimates that in the US alone more than 900,000 become ill each year from water borne disease and as many as 900 will die. International Controllers estimated that in the near future, more than 120 million US households regularly purchase bottled water at an average cost of $500 to $1,000 a year. This number is currently on the rise. In addition, there is also an increasing awareness that bottled water itself may be no safer than municipally treated water.
Although some feel protected by filters and/or water vending machines, a recent study LINK highlighted the hazards of relying on these products. As bad as the situation is in the United States, it is worse in many other developed countries and to an even greater degree, second and third-world countries.


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