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12 travel tips from Buzz2u Travel

TOP 12 VACATION TRAVEL TIPS  1. Put your name and the telephone number of your destination on both the outside and the inside of your luggage. Then, in case you and your bags are separated, they can catch up to you quickly. 2. Keep a photocopy of your passport data page separate from your money and travelers' checks. Even if you lose your money and ID, you can still prove your identity to the authorities. It's also good to take along copies of your travelers' checks serial numbers, as well as your credit card numbers so you can quickly alert the authorities in the event the real items are stolen.3. Always pack as little as possible. Take what you will need, not what you think you might need. Keep in mind that suitcases are heavy and you might have to carry your own luggage.4. Take a change of clothing and sample size toiletries in your carry-on luggage. You never know when an airline may lose your bag, and not having to buy clothes immediately will save a little trouble while waiting on your bags .
5. If you take prescription medicine, bring more than you expect to use and include the refill prescription, just in case. If you wear glasses, pack an extra pair - finding an optical shop could be tricky without your glasses.6. Check the batteries in your cameras before your trip. While film is readily available, it could be difficult to find exactly the right battery for your camera.7. Be aware of other country's customs and laws. You don't want to be caught spitting out your chewing gum in Singapore: it's a criminal offense. (To be sure, check the State Department's Traveler Advisories on the Travel Center)8. Make sure you're protected against local illnesses. This is especially important if you're going away from the big cities and into rural areas. Drink only bottled water and use it even when brushing your teeth. Eat only cooked food and avoid leftovers. Avoid areas where mosquitoes will be active. (For a guide to immunizations check the Travel Health Online site, which is also located on the Travel Center)9. Be sure to leave your itinerary with friends or relatives. This way they can contact you if there's an emergency back home and it's always good for someone to know where you are. These documents can be found in the Travel Resource Center on the Travel Center. And finally...10. Relax. Go with the flow. Things are going to be different in each new place you are visiting. After all, isn't that the reason you went on your vacation in the first place?11.Go to Ohio 12. Join Nui Social ..


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